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Data Protection and Privacy

Ensure your Business Complies with Data Protection Laws

Advice on GDPR compliance, data breach management, privacy policies, and data transfer agreements

With a legacy dating back to the UK’s Data Protection Act 1984, our data protection and privacy team helps clients understand and manage the complex and ever-evolving landscape of data protection laws. We provide comprehensive advice on GDPR compliance, data breach management, privacy policies, and data transfer agreements. We regularly engage with the Information Commissioner’s Office in relation to data protection incidents and disputes.

Members of our Data Protection and Privacy team have been working in the field of data protection law since the days of the UK’s first law on the subject, the Data Protection Act 1984, building up enormous experience. Now that the enforcement of data protection law has become much more rigorous, with considerable fines and damages claims available to regulators and the public, its importance has climbed up the board-room agenda.


Ensuring your business complies with data protection laws is essential to avoid fines and protect your reputation. Our expert legal team can provide guidance on managing data securely and navigating regulatory challenges. Get in touch today to find out how we can assist you with your data protection needs.

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Core Service Offerings

We regularly help clients to mitigate their risk, while taking a pragmatic approach, in this complex area. Our expertise includes:

  • Preparing Data Protection and Privacy Policy Documents
  • Preparing Privacy and Cookie Notices
  • Advising on Data Processing Agreements

  • Advising on cross-border transfers of personal data
  • Advising on general compliance issues
  • Defending claims for breach of data protection and privacy law

  • Assisting with investigations by the Information Commissioner’s Office
  • Assisting with breach reporting
  • Advising on the use of personal data for marketing purposes, including consent